Student Work

Title Description Semester Course Section
Creative Interpretation Invitation Spring 2016 ENGL 2148 002
Capturing Shakespeare

When our group went to Hill Memorial Library for the first time to observe our item, the first thing we all noticed was this humongous, red, hard-covered book. This folio-sized book stood to be exactly 27.25 inches tall and when opened it was exactly 43 inches wide. We then started flipping through the pages and noticed that the book was rebounded and also that the paper was much thicker than any average piece of paper, the paper also looked worn and torn and had the look and stench of being elderly by having this yellowish, stain-like color throughout the pages of the book due to water damage. The pages contained a bunch of pictures engraved into the book, a mixture of landscapes and the other half of the pictures were of portraits. A lot of the pictures had a lot of classical,...

Spring 2016 ENGL 2148 001
A Child's Midsummer Night's Dream

The object selected for our group, An Illustrated Children’s Version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is a delightful edition of the play that includes both illustrations and large font, perfect for a pint – sized reader. Scholars speculate the play was written in either 1595 or 1596, when Shakespeare was either thirty-one or thirty-two years old. This edition of the play was originally published by FREEMANTLE & Co (217 Piccadilly MCMI – London) in 1901 and printed by Ballanfune, Hanson & Co, Edinburg & London. There is an introduction to the book by Mrs. Herbert Railton, who was also the illustrator of the book. 

The book itself is light blue and worn – looking. It is obviously well loved, as many children throughout the years have enjoyed it. It has simple...

Spring 2016 ENGL 2148 001
